Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Wren in the garage

Several mornings last week, I found a wren in my garage trying to figure out how to get out. I saw where a nest had been started, so I heartlessly knocked it down and closed the garage door. Still, the wren was there the next morning. I searched for a new nest, but didn't find one. Two more mornings of distressed wren (did you know that a distressed wren makes a noise like a cricket?) and I found the nest. The one I destroyed was a decoy. The real nest is in my Christmas tree holder on top of a stacked cabinet. One of the plastic ones with a nice deep bowl - just perfect for a little nest.

There's nothing I can do now. There are little wren eggs in the nest. I'll just have to leave the garage door open during the day and hope the little thing doesn't sleepfly. I'll put out seed and water on days I have to go out.

I wouldn't do this for just any bird. But I love wrens.

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