Sunday, August 26, 2012

Penny Lane

My beautiful kitty, Penny Lane, is dead.

She was born in April 2000 and came to live with me in 2004 after she contracted a virus and had to be retired from a breeding program.  At first I could never catch her, but eventually she became my baby.  She slept on or by my bed and woke me in the mornings, whether I wanted her to or not.  She had an immune disorder which caused her to lose all her teeth, and developed kidney and heart problems.  It was her kidneys that got her.  She'd been feeling bad for the past week and changed her habits.  But I didn't know it was as bad as it was.  I couldn't let her suffer, I had her put down on August 24, 2012.  She had a happy life with me - tho she would have been happier if we had not gotten a golden retriever to pester her.  I miss her.  My beautiful Penny.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Before and After

Here are before and after pictures of the
(former) living room/(current) guest bedroom and the (former) diningroom/(current) living room.

The A-List

The A-List changes to my new/old house are finished. The foundation was good, but unfortunately, the original roof could not be saved. So I got a pretty, shiny green roof. The jungle of a yard has been cut back to a manageable level (still needs a LOT of work). Livingroom have been replaced and other walls repaired. All walls and woodwork are painted. Kitchen, bathroom, and laundryroom floors are replaced. Carpets removed and old wood floors repaired and refinished. And the furniture is in place.

Now I move on to the B-List. I need to start working on closets (repainting, cleaning up the floors, adding shelves where possible), the yard (I have an over-abundance of yucca in the front yard), fence (some places are falling down, others are too low to contain an enthusiastic golden retriever, curtains for bedrooms, and refinishing furniture. Plenty to keep me busy.

Last week we had the old wiring removed. While they were in the attic, we asked the electricians if there were any animal nests. They reported that there were a couple of birds' nests and offered to remove them. It took 9 construction trash bags to get the 2 nests out. They were waist high! Our vents now have hardware cloth over them.