Friday, April 25, 2008

The missing Burda magazine

Knitting my Niebling Lotus Flower shawl got me thinking about a Burda magazine I bought a couple of years ago. I got it from a woman in Germany and paid about $40 for it. I went looking for it. First I went thru the stacks of magazines I have stored by the back stairs. As long as I was going thru them, I decided to get rid of a lot of them (after ripping out the patterns I wanted to keep). The Burda wasn't there. So I went thru the bookcases in the livingroom. Not there. So I moved on to the bookcase in the back hall and the assorted books and magazines in the front bedroom. Not there either. While I was searching, I cleaned out the hall closet and started cleaning out the closet in the back bedroom. No Burda, but lots of trash and stuff to donate. It's been going like this for a week. Walking around the house, rechecking places I've already checked. Even the cat was getting a bit nervous.

Today I found it. It was on the coffee table in front of the sofa. If that weren't so funny, it'd be embarrassing.

The good news is that my hall vacuum cleaner closet has been totally cleaned out, the misc. junk closet across from it has been cleaned out and it's been turned into a linen closet (can you believe this house didn't have a linen closet??) and it's not clear what needs to be done in the back bedroom.

Accidental progress.

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