Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mystery Shawl

I'm so excited (but I don't get out much). I've joined a group to knit a Mystery Shawl. I've never done this before and don't know what to expect, but it is something different and I think it will be fun. I've chosen a yarn from my stash, a beautiful dark peacock cashmere/silk blend and have knitted my swatch to make sure it's what I want (and to check the gauge). It starts on June 14. Every week we will get more clues about what to knit.

That gives me until June 14 to finish the Herbert Niebling shawl I'm working on and (hopefully) to finish Rachel's sweater (tho she won't need it until winter).

Meanwhile, I have continued cleaning closets. I actually tacked the one in the front bedroom and have it to the point where you can actually walk into it and find something! The back bedroom closet is done, but there is stuff left over (broken dolls) that I need to figger out what to do with. I'll try to find them homes.

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